Museum-quality cast of Mesosaur Fossil Species: Mesosaurus brazialiensis Permian Period Approx. 260 million years Irati Formation Sao Paulo, Brazil This high quality cast replica was carefully produced from a mold of a beautifully preserved prehistoric reptile called a mesosaur. Although superficially resembling small plesiosaurs, mesosaurs were a separate group of aquatic reptiles that lived during the Permian period--before dinosaurs appeared on earth. They were probably fast swimming, fresh-water predators which preyed on small fish and aquatic invertebrates. This cast is composed of high-strength gypsum cement and was meticulously hand-painted to faithfully reproduce the colors and finest details of the original specimen.
Mesosaur Fossilの博物館品質のキャスト
種:Mesosaurus brazialiensis
約 2億6千万年
ペルム紀の期間に住んでいた水棲の爬虫類の別のグループだった -
恐竜が地球に現れる前に。 彼らはおそらく、小さな魚や水生無脊椎動物を獲物とした、
Museum-quality cast of Mesosaur Fossil
Species: Mesosaurus brazialiensis
Permian Period
Approx. 260 million years
Irati Formation
Sao Paulo, Brazil
This high quality cast replica was carefully
produced from a mold of a beautifully preserved
prehistoric reptile called a mesosaur. Although superficially
resembling small plesiosaurs, mesosaurs were a separate
group of aquatic reptiles that lived during the Permian
period--before dinosaurs appeared on earth. They were
probably fast swimming, fresh-water predators which preyed on
small fish and aquatic invertebrates.
This cast is composed of high-strength gypsum cement and
was meticulously hand-painted to faithfully reproduce the colors
and finest details of the original specimen.
巨大 モロッコ モササウルス 頭骨 化石 /ティラノサウルス カルカロドンドサウルス スピノサウルス 恐竜 水石 鉱物 隕石|代購幫
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