Durango DB514 Harness Boot 新品未使用品アメリカのブーツブランドDURANGOのサイドリングブーツです。10年ほど前にロサンゼルスで購入して持ち帰ったものです。箱は捨ててしまいましたので丁寧に梱包して輸送用箱で発送します。靴棚に置いたまま一度も履くことなく保管していました。オイルドレザーでいい質感です。※下記説明、全部英語ですみません。サイズ:9.5US(27.5cm)カラー:ダークブラウンPRODUCT DETAILSFabric Type100% LeatherSole MaterialLeatherShaft Circumference14 InchesClosure TypePull-OnABOUT THIS ITEM11" Leather ShaftTaped down side seams From the ManufacturerDurango has built a reputation for developing quality Western footwear for men, women and children since 1966. While producing diverse lines ranging from farm and ranch products to Western fashion styles, Durango focuses on durability, comfort and style in all of its products. Durango has been an industry leader with such innovations at the Comfort Core Insole Technology and SPR leather, one of the most durable leathers in the footwear industry. Durango is part of Rocky Brands, which also owns Rocky Outdoor Gear, Georgia Boot, Dickies Footwear, and Lehigh Safety Shoes.